Design and Analysis of Algorithms Lab

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 List of Experiment:

Task 1: Code and analyze solutions to the following problem with given strategies:

i. Knap Sack using a greedy approach

ii. Knap Sack using a dynamic approach

Task 2: Code and analyze to find an optimal solution to matrix chain multiplication

using dynamic programming.

Task 3: Code and analyze to find an optimal solution to TSP using dynamic


Task 4: Implementing an application of DFS such as:

i. to find the topological sort of a directed acyclic graph

ii. to find a path from source to goal in a maze.

Task 5: Implement an application of BFS such as:

i. to find connected components of an undirected graph

ii. to check whether a given graph is bipartite.

Task 6: Code and analyze to find the shortest paths in a graph with positive edge weights

using Dijkstra’s algorithm.

Task 7: Code and analyze to find shortest paths in a graph with arbitrary edge

weights using the Bellman-Ford algorithm.

Task 8: Code and analyze to find shortest paths in a graph with arbitrary edge

weights using Flyods’ algorithm.

Task 9: Code and analyze to find the minimum spanning tree in a weighted,

undirected graph using Prims’ algorithm

Task 10: Code and analyze to find the minimum spanning tree in a weighted,

undirected graph using Kruskals’ algorithm.

Task 11: Coding any real-world problem or TSP algorithm using any heuristic


Lab Outcomes:

The student will be able to:

1. Improve practical skills in designing and implementing complex problems with

different techniques;

2. Understand the comparative performance of strategies and hence choose appropriate, to

apply to specific problem definition;

3. Implement Various tree and graph-based algorithms and become familiar with their

design methods; &

4. Design and Implement heuristics for real-world problems.

Reference Books

1. Data Structures and Algorithms in C++, Weiss, 4th edition, Pearson

2. Data Structures and Algorithms Using Python and C++, David M. Reed and John

Zelle, 2009 edition (available as e-book), Franklin Beedle& Associates.


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