Major Project Fourth semester
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Sr. No | Parameter Name | Total Marks | Guidelines |
1 | Technology Used | 10 | In this Students will be evaluated based on the technology they have used. If a student used : i) C/C++ may be given 2-3 marks, ii) Java/PHP may be given 4-6 marks iii) Python/AI/ML or any evolving technology may be given 7-10marks |
2 | Innovation | 10 | In this the novelty of their work will be evaluated as below: i) Completely novel =10-9 marks ii) Partially Novel =8- 7 marks iii) Novelty level in below than average = 6-5 marks iv) Zero level of Novelty (without any innovation in already existing ones) = 3 marks |
3 | Application/ Social impact | 10 | Here student’s work will be scrutinized based on its applicability: i) Completely applicable in a real-life environment to solve unsolved issues/help to ease the work which has not been done yet in that respective area= 10-9 marks ii) Improve the solution already provided= 8 marks iii) Improvement in result based on more than one parameters (like speed, storage capacity, efficiency, etc.) =7-6 marks iv) Improvement in result based on only one parameter (like speed, storage capacity, efficiency, etc.) =5 marks v) Otherwise; if the submitted project does not make any difference from the already existing software of that categories = 3 marks |
4 | Viva and Execution | 10 | Students will be evaluated here based on oral examination performance and execution of their project on the respective platforms: 1) Viva performance will be evaluated out of 5 marks 2) Execution of projects will be evaluated out of 5 |
5 | Project Reports and Punctuality of student | 10 | In this section students’ files and their punctuality for completion of milestones (Phase I –III) will be evaluated: i) Reports need to be complete and in proper format and evaluated out of 5 marks ii) Punctuality will be evaluated out of 5 marks a) If a students have submitted his all three reports on or before the deadline= 5marks b) If Students late by one day due to irrelevant reasons= 4 marks c) If student have submit three reports but late by less than 3 days= 2marks d) Otherwise = 0 |
For Online Certification evaluation:
1. All the students have to either submit two projects (One Major and One minor) or One project + Certification of minimum 4 weeks.
2. There is a number of links (given below) through which certifications can be done. Like Coursera, Edx, NASSCOM etc.
here are a few links for the student reference:-
Project Synopsis File must have the File name as RollNumber_Name_ProjectName_Technology.
Sr. No | Parameter Name | Total Marks | Guidelines |
Level/ Title | 10 | In this students will be evaluated based on the topic or theme of their certification: i) Basic subjects(like; C/C++, Java, operating System)= 4 marks ii) Advanced technology (like; AI, ML, Cloud computing, Big Data, etc.) =8-10 marks | |
2 | Credibility of Resource | 10 | Here the credibility of host/ resource from where they have done that certification will be analysed: Marks will be given only for following kind of certifications: 1) Swayam MOOC 2) Microsoft 3) IBM 4) Oracle 5) NASSCOM 6) AWS 7) Coursera |
3 | Duration | 10 | In this students will be evaluated for the time duration of their certifications; i) Less than 4 weeks= 1-3 marks ii) 4 weeks = 8-10 |
4 | completion with Certificate | 10 | In this phase, the marks will be awarded after the completion of the course with certification, through online examination. |
4 | completion with Certificate | 10 | In this phase, the marks will be awarded after the completion of the course with certification, through online examination. |
Minimum 01 projects + 01 certifications or (student can have 01 Minor and 01 Major project)
is mandatory per student per semester and its compliance lies, as per schedule, with a mentor.
Final marks will be compiled by mentor and to be submitted to committee (with proper
The average of both, (as per the evaluation mentioned above) will be given weightage in each lab (at
least 10 marks per lab) internal practices as well as in general professional fitness.
Note: Spoken tutorials by IIT Bombay & Udemy will not be considered for certifications
under these categories.
Any certification with a course duration of fewer than 10 Hrs will not be considered for
certifications under these categories.
Any certification without examination will not be considered for certifications under these
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